
How to apply for funding

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20th April 2025 Next funding application deadline

HERCT Guidance notes for applying for a grant

The trustees meet twice yearly in May and November. Applications for consideration should reach us by the 20th April or October.

Project appeals must be from local charities or groups delivering work that will have a charitable direct benefit to residents of the Hull & East Riding Area.

Projects we have supported in the past

Music and arts projects, especially those that involve people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Projects that benefit older people.

Projects that help with mental health.

Projects that support people with physical & learning disabilities.


Homeless projects.

Projects that support residents in marginalised groups in the area.

Heritage projects.

Support for children to attend school trips from schools in disadvantaged areas.

Contribution for young people under the age of 18 to participate in UK or overseas projects with a leading organisation (up to £300).

Requests from notable buildings with a good level of community use.

Significant community projects demanding major funding, support may be given by a pledge, payment conditional upon all other funding sources being agreed.

Pre-school clubs – for equipment or activities.

Applications from schools except for teaching and buildings. (I.e promotion of healthy eating, playground equipment, school trips must be for educational rather than social holiday trips).

What we don’t support

Projects that are for political, religious or educational purposes.

Projects that are not focused in Hull & East Yorkshire.

Applications from overseas.

Appeals from individuals unless under 18 for visits with a leading organisation.

Medical research projects.

Animal charities unless the project provides a direct human benefit.

National charities unless a project has a local focus.

Core staff salaries unless a proportion is included in the project budget and the request is only to fund part of the project.

We have adopted the above guidelines but in exceptional circumstances the trustees may consider other projects if a particular cause is of special merit. Please contact Lynn Humphreys at to discuss further.

Information and documentation you will need during the application process:

  • Organisation name, address, and charity number if applicable
  • Website address if applicable
  • A copy of your logo if applicable
  • Legal status
  • Contact name and email address / telephone contact
  • Bank payee name / sort code/ account number
  • Copy of bank statement
  • Copy of last accounts or draft accounts if not yet filed
  • Copy of project budget


  1. How much funding are you seeking?
  2. How many Hull & East riding residents will benefit from the project
  3. Give a brief description of your organisation – what you do/where you are based
  4. Describe the project you are seeking funding for. What do you hope to achieve with the funding
  5. How will the outcomes benefit local residents?
  6. How will the funds be spent? A budget plan can be included

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